SIPD Services, a leading integrator of Cloud ERP solutions in Quebec is proud to announce that Pierre Dussault, its president, is now on the Acumatica Partner Advisory Board.
Restricted to a few key members of Acumatica’s resellers, the advisory committee was established to provide a forum for idea improvement on current and future Acumatica’s programs.
The first 2 years of the PAB were reserved for U.S. resellers only, but since January 2014, it now has international resellers including SIPD Services!
The PAB provides direct access to Acumatica’s core decision and give the possibility to influence more improvements of this ERP and services provided.
“By becoming a member of the Partner Advisory Board, the needs of my customers will be satisfied even faster than before. This gives me access to an environment where I can discuss the price, product and questions and problems I faced to find solutions ” says Pierre Dussault, SIPD Services’ president.
” My comments and requests go directly to Acumatica’s managers which can influence change and help me to become more efficient, close more sales and enhance the experience with Acumatica both for me and for my customers ” concludes Pierre Dussault.